I was the Advocacy Chair of the NC Society for Clinical Social Work (NCSCW) for about 2 years. In that role, I had the opportunity to participate in statewide committees representing clinical social workers and the people we serve. In that capacity, I was given the privilege of partnering with Equality NC, the Born Perfect Campaign and the Campaign for Southern Equality to support HB516 and to work with the NCSCSW to voice this support. It was important to me as a member and supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and a clinical social worker, to let legislators and the community know how damaging and unethical conversion and reparative therapies are, and how vital it is that therapy is accepting and affirming. As a therapist that has worked to improve the lives of queer people for over 30 years, I see the role of a therapist as not only to provide for the clinical services, but also to be an advocate to improve the lives of those in the LGBTQ+ community.
- This is Press Release with Equality N.C., Born Perfect, and Campaign for Southern Equality announcing the NCSCSW letter and statement of support of HB516, click below:
- If you want to see the Position Statement I wrote for the NCSCSW in support of HB516, click below:
- This was a sign on letter. I felt it was important for legislators to see that clinicians support this Bill and for other clinicians to voice their support. Check it out at the link below:
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